Student of the Week Imogen - Telios Tutors®
Student of the Week Imogen

Student of the Week Imogen

Every week, we honour and show recognition to a student who has demonstrated excellence. This week, we want to acknowledge Imogen age 7, whose focus and spirit always makes her tutor smile!

Our Student of the Week Imogen is an incredibly bright girl, always willing to learn and make the most of the time she spends with her tutor Jennifer. Her energy and imagination add a sparkle to every lesson!

For a variety of reasons, mainstream schooling can often fall short of delivering an education which fulfils the potential of its students. Despite being a very able student, there was something at school which seemed to be lacking for Imogen.

Since starting her lessons with Telios Tutors, Imogen has now found a space where she can show her true ability and love of learning! The progress she is making with every lesson deserves a big round of applause. Imogen has developed in many areas of both Maths and English. These include spelling, creative writing, long multiplication and fractions.

This week, Imogen really wowed her tutor Jennifer with a strong performance in her spelling test. Her comprehension of several Maths concepts also shows how hard she has been working to reach her goals.

Well done Imogen! We are very proud of you! Keep up the good work!

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