Private English and Science Tutor Fatima - Telios Tutors®

Private English and Science Tutor Fatima

Description: Fatima is a Private English and Science Tutor whose love for teaching started at a young age. With a strong knowledge base, Fatima describes her teaching ethos. Here’s a snippet of her profile.

My personal aim is the full exploration of various academic subjects including English, Science and Geography; searching for undiscovered aspects that are waiting to be unlocked.

My current role as an online tutor allows me to share my knowledge and inspire students. I am a successful writer. I bring to life aspects such as culture and society, love and family dynamics.

I am mindful of the academic and emotional support that students need. My commitment to delivering consistent, quality content to my students while supporting them is my main focus. I work with each individual to help them excel in exams. Working with me, students will develop the tools to reach their education goals. I work to awaken in students a lasting passion for their subjects of interest.

Teaching and sharing knowledge has always been very important to me. As a result, I began to teach English and Geography throughout my academic years. I taught both English and Geography. While studying, I often created my own slides as a way of sharing my knowledge with the students the knowledge. I would also hold joint library sessions where I would aid classmates with anything they were finding difficult in the syllabus.

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