Tutor Of The Month - Shayda - Telios Tutors®

Tutor Of The Month – Shayda

When hiring private tutors in London on behalf of parents, we look for excellence in academia and personal qualities that demonstrate a ‘human element’. Amongst one of many characteristics, one that always impresses us is someone that goes above and beyond. Working from the heart, genuinely wanting to serve students to the highest standard, honouring them at every level of the tuition process, is a trait we love.

In return, we honour our tutors who help fulfill our mission and represent Telios Tutors and our culture. This month, our tutor Shayda wrote an extensive report to offer feedback for parents of two sisters she is tutoring.

Reporting helps parents have a visual track record of the content delivered in lessons. It helps us all adhere to high standard of accountability and progression. Here’s Shayda’s report of her tutees who are in primary school:


“Both students as usual were a pleasure to teach today! Both seem very engaged and I was very surprised at how brilliantly they took to the homework (even though I set a lot). Both students achieved 100% on their spelling test and correctly learnt the meanings of the words I had set them. Furthermore, both students were told to write a creative piece of writing which was brilliantly executed.

Feedback was provided to the parents individually and also in class with the students, I was thrilled to see that Lina had actually taken such an interest she wrote me another piece of writing ! To complete this weeks learning a comprehension task was set for Joudy and a creative design/ writing piece for a newspaper article for Lina.

Lina’s Lesson: She was very understanding of her homework feedback and we worked on the grammatical errors together, as well as spellings which seemed to be an issue. To address the weakness in spellings I have set them a challenge of 15 new spellings per week which went down really well in this week’s session with her scoring a wonderful 100% .

We then persisted to quickly run over what we learnt last week so I could ensure she has learnt last week’s content, which she had! And then I introduced her to newer writing styles i.e. fiction and non-fiction texts and the differences as well as setting her a homework task to read a small extract on Honey Bees and to articulate a newspaper article from the information presented.

This task is quite challenging so I did explain it thoroughly and walked her through the stages of creating an article. I also made her read a small extract and complete a mini comprehension. And solidified the difference between ‘there’ and ‘their’.

Joudy’s Lesson: Joudy worked very well and also understood the improvements that were highlighted in her homework. Again there is a spelling weakness and a little issue with reading that I am working on by providing encouragement to read more texts together and also understanding the meaning of texts.

To address the weakness in spellings I have set them a challenge of 15 new spellings per week which went down really well in this week’s session with her scoring a wonderful 100% .I then introduced her to prefixes and suffixes, she did have some understanding of their usage but seemed to lack the vocabulary basis to spot them at all times, this will be explored in further sessions and will be built up by reading!

Although her ability to notice prefixes and suffixes and to understand that there is more prefixes than just re- , un- , dis- was expanded e.g. sub- , anti- . Again the session was rounded off with a high-level reading extract on ‘Guide dogs’ I got her to read the extract to me and to also explain the difference between words such as ‘blind’ and ‘visually impaired’.

Although this is higher level material she seemed to read confidently making minimal errors but understanding the text seemed to be more of an issue , however I have set the same reading for her homework with an added comprehension so that she can really understand the meaning behind the role of guide dogs and their work.

Overall – Brilliant I loved today’s session again and look forward to next week.

Interested in working with Shayda or our other incredible private tutors? Contact us today.