Student of The Month - Hayden (9) Excellent English Work
Student Of The Month – Hayden

Student of The Month – Hayden (9)

Description: Hayden, aged 9, has demonstrated excellence in work-ethic and always goes above and beyond in his lessons and homework. Sometimes his homework undergoes various revisions until satisfaction and is always so well turned out. He has high standards for himself and is hugely ambitious. His development has been incredible and his writing sometimes resembles that of an adult!

Since Hayden is quite a competent student, even at aged 9, we have been undergoing work that is significantly above his expected academic level for his age.

We have been doing essay writing and answering topical questions such as ‘why is Apple so popular, despite its extortionate prices?‘ in which he answered in great depth and with such maturity.

We do not just stick within the expectations of the national curriculum. Rather, we go above and beyond to realise a child’s potential and encourage them to be the best they can be.

Here’s a snippet of a story he recently wrote.

The tsunami destroyed a Cornish town!

There was a tsunami at 4:30 AM on the 29th of
March 2020 that destroyed the whole town of
Fowey. Fortunately, scientists had already
predicted that there would be a tsunami that day,
so everybody was prepared that day for it to
come. The mayor said that he saw a meteorite
crashing into the ocean then a towering wave rose.

As the tsunami got worse, everybody was
flooding out of their houses and climbing onto
their rooftops with all of their valuables.
The Jennifer Family described it as the worst day
of their lives. Since they saw this ahead, they
already packed their suitcases in case this day
would come. After 5 minutes of the tsunami,

the military forces had sent
planes and boats to pick up the citizens.
“It was heartbreaking to see my house and town
destroyed,” commented Clare the NHS worker.
Eventually yesterday, the tsunami went away but
left nothing except a few bricks. Sadly One
family was locked up then drowned, only one of
them survived.

The mayor suggests that the builders should build
a water barrier surrounding the whole town in
case of any new tsunamis. Scientists predict that
there won’t be any extreme weathers in the next 4
years. There can be another tsunami in the next
coming 3 weeks. A lot of people said that the
mayor of Fowey had done the best he could do to
protect the citizens.

This only scratches the surface of the level he is currently working at which is significantly above the national average. Here are some questions Hayden answered.

What are some of your favourite things about having a tutor?

It is that I can improve a lot and it is one to one unlike the school which is approximately one to twenty.

What are some things you have learned?

 Passive tense, using colons, doing a lot of SPAG tests.

What is your favourite thing about online tutoring?

It is one to one so the tutor can teach me personally instead of learning within a classroom environment.

How have you improved in your subject since working with your tutor?

I have improved quite a lot since she pushes me to a higher level every week when we have a new lesson.

Has your school teacher noticed any improvements in your work?

Yes and at the start of the term, I wasn’t very sure about English but when I started to have a tutor, I was a lot more confident about English.

Have you noticed in any changes to your overall confidence?

Yes, I had seen a big difference in my confidence. I am a lot more accurate in spelling and I can even help my mum on grammarly.

Is there anything we can improve on to help you even more?

No, this is already the best it can possibly be!

Well done, Hayden!