Description: In this article History and Politics tutor, Melissa, shares her point of view on how History and Politics link together.
Many would split History and Politics into two separate subjects, two different categories, even.
However, I have come to find that they are heavily interconnected.
Events In Politics
Many events in history have been heavily political.
For example, after the First World War, in 1919, the Weimar government was formed in Germany.
It was a weak government that was the result of the Treaty of Versailles.
The Treaty of Versailles made the German people very angry and caused them to turn to political extremism.
This extremism led to three main uprisings. The Spartacist Uprising in 1919, was a left-wing revolutionary uprising that took over the government for five days.
This was before the uprising was shut down by the right-wing FreiKorps.
This was a group of ex-military officials whose main aim was to tackle left-wing rebellion.
There was also the Kapp Putsch in 1920 which was a right-wing coup to take over the group. This was unsuccessful due to a lack of support.
Nazi Politics
There was finally the Munich Putsch or the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923.
This was led by Adolf Hitler in an attempt to overthrow the Weimar Government.
Hitler and his supporters marched through Munich but were caught and arrested by the police. Hitler was then charged with High Treason and sentenced to five years in prison.

Due to the government’s fear of right-wing support and violence, Hitler only did 9 months of his sentence.
This gave Hitler many opportunities to get involved in politics.
He took full advantage of these opportunities when he joined the Nazi Party and made his way up to the leader.
Then he was elected Chancellor in 1933. He made a lot of changes to the political system in order to establish a dictatorship.
Furthermore, before World War II, the governments in both France and Britain took to a policy of appeasement.
This essentially gave Hitler what he wanted. Meaning he was able to go too far and push Britain and France to their limit.
This also meant that when Britain and France told Poland they would support them in the event of a German invasion, Hitler didn’t believe them.
He invaded Poland anyway, which was the catalyst for the Second World War.
This shows the heavy ties Politics has with History, given that politics has led to some significant events within our world’s history.
Events In History
It works both ways too, there have been historical events that have massively influenced and impacted our politics.
For example, we wouldn’t have Parliamentary sovereignty if King John did not sign the Magna Carter in 1215.
This gave more power to the government by King John establishing that the monarch is not above the government.
The atrocities of World War Two not only brought about the formation of the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, but it also brought about the United Nations Charter of Human Rights which is now law in Britain as well as hundreds of other countries.

In 1942, William Beveridge wrote a book called ‘Social Insurance and Allied Services which was essentially a blueprint to improve social welfare.
He wanted to tackle what he called the five giants: idleness, ignorance, disease, squalor and want and he also wanted free health services.
This historical book would be the influence of the labour party elected in 1945, led by Clement Attlee and the basis of what is now known as the National Health Service (NHS) formed in 1948.
Without Beveridge’s book, there would have been no real inspiration for the NHS which is now a crucial part of society, formed and run by the government.
This then proves that History is as intertwined with Politics as Politics is with History.
Final Note
There are many more examples of how Politics has influenced or led to historical events or how History impacts and influences Politics but it is definitely evident that the two subjects are linked.
This is why both subjects are so imperative together, to fully understand either subject you need to delve both into history and politics so you can understand the how and why of certain legislation or events.
Thus, History and Politics are heavily interlinked subjects.
By tutor, Melissa. Contact Us