How to Achieve Sustainable Productivity - Telios Tutors®

How to Achieve Sustainable Productivity

Description: Law and English tutor Alley explores tips on looking after yourself and boosting sustainable productivity over time.

I will begin by confessing that I was not always living as healthily as I am now. My well-being was simply not a priority, and this led to feelings of burnout. However, when I began researching and implementing some of the tips below, my stress levels diminished significantly. Exams and other academic pressures can sometimes be overwhelming, but nourishing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health can increase productivity over time.

Tip 1: Move Your Body

One way I have successfully lowered my stress levels over time is by making sure that every day for at least 20 minutes I am moving my body. This could be something simple like going for a walk to get some fresh air. It could be exercising in my local park, swimming, dancing, yoga or attending tai chi classes at my gym. There are many ways to exercise. Have a think about what physical activities you enjoy and schedule them for your week.

Tip 2: Mindfulness

Being mindful is an active exercise that impacts how you live and see the world. I recommend making time each day to meditate and focus on your breath to kickstart your mindfulness practice. I meditate when I wake up as this gets my headspace ready for the day ahead, and I also meditate before bed to wind down from my busy day. If you don’t meditate, just spending time quietly scanning your body from the top of your head to your toes can help ease any tension you may be carrying.

Another way to practise mindfulness is to have a gratitude ritual. You can start by simply saying ‘thank you’ before you eat a meal. This acknowledges all the processes and works it took to create the food you are eating. Thinking about the journey of our food from farmers toiling the land, to the time it takes for produce to grow can make you more mindful of each mouthful. Whatever your belief system, spending time in quiet contemplation and reflection (some call prayer) can bring about feelings of inner peace. 

Tip 3: Nutrition

It is shocking to learn how many people go about their day dehydrated and without proper nourishment. I used to be one of these people. One easy way to ensure that you are maintaining hydration levels is to invest in a water bottle (preferably made from sustainable materials). Always keep your bottle with you. This will serve as a reminder to keep hydrating throughout the day.

I recommend researching and becoming aware of the nutrients and minerals needed for a healthy body and mind. One way I have boosted my overall health is by living a plant-focused diet.  This means that fresh fruit and vegetables make up the bulk of my meals. It may be worth consulting with a nutritionist and/or dietician to make sure that you are getting everything you need in terms of nutrition. 

By tutor Alley