
How Loyal Are You to Your Word?

Description: In this short article, we take a look at how loyal we are to our word and how we can stick to our commitments better.


When we say we will do something, how many of us see things through?

Psychologically, our self-esteem increases when we are loyal to our commitments.

It can be so inward and subtle. Not all promises have to be outwardly declared.

We all have inner self-talk, whether we are conscious about it or not.

What commitments have you kept this year and will you intend to keep?

Audit your commitments and be honest with yourself 🙂

We have noticed the habits of some of the most successful students and clients who have journeyed with us.

They are often on time for delivering homework and show up reliably, open-hearted, and curious to learn.

They rarely come with excuses – they deliver with consistency.

That’s not to say that we can’t be human about the experience and take a little break.

We just believe in being smart and strategic with our breaks 🙂

For many students and parents, it has been a long school year.

We’re all looking forward to a well-earned break and some relaxation.

That doesn’t mean we can’t utilise the 6 weeks holiday to catch up or get ahead!

Set Yourself Up For Success Holistically

This summer holiday, here are some ideas on what you could work on:

  • Taking up a new hobby
  • Improving physical health/fitness
  • Changing landscapes or environment
  • Developing new or existing relationships
  • Learn useful skills – i.e Coding or Public Speaking

Specifically, define what a successful summer looks like for you and your child, and take deliberate steps to make it a reality.

We’d love to know what goals you have this summer and any commitments you may like some accountability on.

Let’s help your child achieve excellence whilst embracing lots of fun this summer!

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