Description: This article outlines four ways that an interview skills tutor can help you prepare for an interview.
A common misconception is that tutors are only beneficial to classroom learning.
However, tutors at Telios Tutors can provide help with professional development for those entering the working world.
Helping to Research the Company
When applying to a firm, it is always important to research the company beforehand, especially in the context of current markets.
Knowing more about the company allows the candidate to demonstrate their commercial awareness, a quality that is desirable in the corporate world.
Finding out more about the company can help candidates decide whether they agree with the company culture and will be suitable for the role.
A tutor is useful here in summarising company and role descriptions for multiple firms, making the application process easier and more efficient.
Helping to Review the Job Description
The job description in an advertisement is an essential part of the hiring process. It outlines exactly what skills the company desires as well as the characteristics of the person they are looking for.
Tutors are useful in reviewing the description in advance of the interview. They can give you advice on what characteristics are desirable and should be highlighted in the interview.
Helping you to be Comfortable and Authentic
Nerves can often be to the detriment of a candidate during the interview process.
An interview skills tutor provides coaching on how to remain calm and confident on the day.

Learning how to use nerves to their advantage allows the candidate to come across as authentic as possible. This then helps the hiring team decide whether they are a good fit for the company.
Coaching on How to Answer Questions
There is a right and wrong way to answer questions when you prepare for an interview that most candidates are not aware of.
A quality tutor will help the candidate avoid cookie-cutter answers to questions where they can demonstrate their uniqueness.
For example, tutors can teach candidates the STAR method, allowing them to demonstrate how they effectively handled problems in past experiences.
This clear structure to answers is one of many ways that candidates can display their suitability for the role and impress the hiring team.
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