
Does Your Child Have Unresolved Trauma?

Description: In this blog, we look into how unresolved child trauma can affect a child’s overall behaviour and academic performance.

Child trauma occurs more than you think. More than 2/3rds of children have reported at least 1 traumatic event by age 16.

Potentially traumatic events can include:

  • Online and physical bullying
  • Community/School violence
  • Neglect
  • Psychological or sexual abuse
  • Bereavement and grief
  • National Disasters i.e Lockdown
  • Parent Separation
  • Witnessing or experiencing domestic violence

Many of our tutors can pick up on signs of trauma and help navigate education that helps their students feel safe and heard in a positive learning environment.

The Impact of Trauma on Academic Performance

Solving mathematical problems, reading and writing skills and involvement in debate/discussions are all important elements of education.

These skills rely on our brain development and ability to comprehend, remember, organise and trust in ourselves to produce work.

Could your child’s trauma be affecting their school performance?

When trauma occurs in childhood, it has a significant and lasting impact on the brain.

This then leads to toxic stress which can wear away at our mental and physical health.

Trauma can impact a child’s academic health in several ways, including:

  • Compromised ability to pay attention in class
  • Reduced memory – difficulty following instructions
  • Poor organisation skills
  • Difficulty grasping cause-and-effect relationships
  • Language and communication
  • Creative play – perhaps the most important tool a child could use to grow and develop

It has always been our mission to ensure students reach their fullest potential through empowerment, inclusivity and safety.

Our registered Counsellors use various grounding techniques which implement Trauma-Informed care bespoke to a child’s specific needs on a 1-to-1 basis.

We recognise the unique challenges faced by trauma-affected students and want to help provide the support and understanding they need to succeed.

World-renowned Psychotherapist Dr Peter A. Levine once said:

“The paradox of trauma is that it has both the power to destroy and the power to transform and resurrect”

Could your child have witnessed some traumatic events that have affected their behaviour or academic performance?

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