A Lesson In Boosting Self-Confidence - Telios Tutors®

A Lesson In Boosting Self-Confidence

Description: Confidence-building mentor and tutor Erin shares with us a short lesson on how to boost your self-confidence.

Navigating revision, grades, and finding time to do what you enjoy can be overwhelming at times.

To help overcome these challenges, believing in yourself and your capabilities can positively impact your overall happiness and success, both academically and outside of the classroom.

So, I’m going to delve into some of the ways that you can boost self-belief and shine in all aspects of your life!

Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk

The way we talk to ourselves makes a huge impact on how we perceive ourselves and directly affects our levels of self-belief.

Affirmations and positive self-talk can work as the engine behind believing in ourselves and feeling good about who we are and what we can achieve.

For example, changing phrases like “I can’t achieve a grade 7 in English”, to “I am capable and intelligent enough to achieve a grade 7 in English”.

These changes can make a world of difference to your confidence and belief in your ability to achieve all of your goals.

Doing Hobbies and Things You Enjoy

Making time to do the things you love can massively improve levels of self-belief.

Hobbies provide feelings of accomplishment and happiness which can serve to remind you what you are capable of.

So, ensure you make time to flourish in the activities you enjoy outside of academics.

Surround Yourself With Those Who Care

The people you spend time with have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself.

The more people you have around you that empower and support you, the higher the likelihood is that your levels of self-belief will increase.

These kinds of people should help you to see how much you are capable of and be there to celebrate all of your successes.

Set goals (and mini-goals!)

Start your journey small. Setting achievable goals allows you to see that you are more than able to reach that final goal.

Having that road map there for you brings a stable base to what you are trying to achieve.

This can help to remind you that, with hard work, you will smash your target.

Setting goals is a great way of staying on track which helps to maintain that precious self-belief!


Physical activity has a profound impact on well-being.

Exercise releases endorphins which work to naturally lift your mood.

Activities like swimming, running, or yoga can bring about mental clarity and feelings of happiness.

When you feel good about yourself, your self-belief flourishes as a result.

Even if you aren’t a regular exerciser, try giving it a go to see the effect it has.


To finish up, nurturing your self-belief is crucial for your success academically and non-academically.

Whilst life can be full of challenges and discomfort, believe in yourself.

Your abilities to overcome these are what will make you a stronger, more resilient person.

So, keep believing in yourself and never fail to remind yourself that you are capable of anything that you put your mind to.

You’ve got this!

By tutor and mentor, Erin

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