
Is Your Child Prepared For The REAL WORLD?

Description: This blog article explores ways to help children and young adults be better prepared for real-life challenges.

How do we ensure that our children are world-ready and not just ‘exam ready’?

Schools focus on academic education that may not completely apply to the real world.

Essential Skills

Learning about algebra is great, but what about developing essential life skills?

For instance:

How to negotiate/sell

How to make, manage and invest finances

Taking responsibility of your physical and mental health

Creating order and cleanliness in your environment

How to create and stick to healthy boundaries

Developing meaningful relationships and enhancing quality of life

How to lead or be an effective member of society

There are many scenarios we have encountered where young people go out into the real world after an excellent academic record, with no job satisfaction or sense of direction in life.

Success in academia does not necessarily mean success in the real world and life in general.

Life Beyond School

As well as ensuring our students are prepared for exams, we strongly advocate the development of oneself to be beneficial to society long-term.

Education doesn’t stop after graduation, it’s a lifelong pursuit.

Here are some relevant real-life current examples that one should consider:

Online Etiquette

How to formally and properly address/respond to an important email.

Keeping Social Media professional or even private when applying for jobs/University.

Interview Skills

Even something as small as eye contact or body language can make all the difference to being successful in a job/University interview.

Finance Management/ Business

Learning how to budget and be responsible with finances.

Understanding how bills, invoices and banking work.

Health and Fitness

How to attain peak performance physically and mentally. This massively impacts the way we show up in the world.

This is something that is not emphasised in schools.

Generally, as a nation and individually, we could be doing a lot more to avoid preventable health issues by implementing a few habits, developing a disciplined mind and having higher standards for ourselves.

CV Writing

Learning how to stand out from 100s of other applicants in a competitive job market.

Understand the mindset of an employer and adapt your application towards this.


Being resilient, managing emotions, developing self-control, learning how to self-soothe, and not allowing failures or mistakes to deter them from continuing to take on challenges in life are some of the qualities of a strong person.

Being able to be proactive and think independently is one of the most important skills a pupil should aspire to cultivate.

Our challenge and questions to you today

Which skills would you like your child to master?

What is the one limiting belief that could be holding your child back?

Habits of success need to be cultivated as early as possible. As we get older, it becomes more difficult to change our conditioning.

Let’s set your child up for success by investing in the skills needed TODAY in order to thrive tomorrow.

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