
Is Your Child Tapping In To Be The BEST Version of Themselves?

Description: In this article, we explore why students disengage from their education and are not tapping into being the best version of themselves.

Around 1/3 of young people aged 13-17 are disengaged or not yielding maximum benefit from their education.

It can be a law of diminishing returns once you get to a certain point.

This means that although your child may be present in the classroom, they may be mentally vacant or not yielding maximum results on their time investment.

Causes of Disengagement or Why Your Child’s Net Value of Results May Not Be Maximised:

Many factors – for instance:


This can be a result of a gifted student finding work too easy or a struggling student being overwhelmed.

We live in a world of instant gratification – Amazon Prime / YouTube Shorts.

There is a lack of endurance to see things through. We have very limited attention spans.

High-performance students may find work boring if they are not intellectually stimulated.

Challenging Home Environments

Parents report to us often that the dynamics between child and parent may not be the most effective when it comes to encouraging academic education.

Fluctuating Self-Esteem / Complacency

Students with a higher sense of self-confidence are more willing to challenge themselves and learn.

Social media, experiencing bullying at school and self-comparison are all factors that shape your child’s outlook on themselves which severely impact their mindset and academic performance.

Higher-performing students may plateau as they may become complacent.

Mental Health

A student can become disengaged if they are struggling with anxiety or depression.

Often this will manifest as a lack of motivation, general disinterest in the subject matter, lack of engagement in class discussions, and an inability to build relationships with peers.

Students with good mental health are not immune to the changes they face both externally and internally e.g. during puberty.

So What Can We Do?

This summer 2024 we are holding spaces for a select number of students who are serious about utilising this summer as a time for significant transformation.

We are looking for students who will commit to becoming high performers no matter where their starting point is.

We have a range of courses designed for your child to ‘level up’

Courses include subject-specific, as well as developing high-income skills and develop habits of success:

Productivity / Mentorship
Coding/Computer Science

Intensive Courses in various subjects e.g Maths / English / Science & more.
Public Speaking / Business / Marketing / Sales

It is said that consistency and doing what others don’t or won’t do is what gets exceptional results rather than average results.

Interested to find out more? Contact Us

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