Why Learn a Second Language? - Telios Tutors®

Why Learn a Second Language?

Description: Language tutor Leonnie shares her thoughts on the benefits and rewards of learning a second Langauge.

We all know that there are many benefits to learning a new language.

We can often struggle with the daily motivation needed for us to progress enough to get us where we need to be.

What can we learn NOW to help us stay motivated and achieve our end goal?

Language-learning and Travel

Learning another language, especially one that is widely spoken can help you immensely when travelling abroad.

By speaking the native language, locals will often welcome you into their community. They can show you parts of their culture that you would not otherwise have access to.

Not only that, by learning another language you will understand another culture in a depth that just wouldn’t be possible.

Plus, the locals will be very impressed.

Impressing your Friends

For monolinguals like most English people, being able to speak another language is a point of interest and admiration for their friends.

Remember the kids in school with one or two foreign parents who were bilingual? Everyone thought they were cool.

If questioned, most people will admit something along the lines of ‘I wish I could speak another language…’ followed by the reason(s) why it never happened.

YOU can avoid being one of them and maybe even be considered ‘cool’ for doing so along the way.

Those language skills will make you an object of envy if you’re on holiday with your friends and you’re the one that can open the doors with the locals when no-one else can.

Have a Greater Understanding of the Local Culture

Being able to converse in another language will give you an insight into the local way of thinking that monolingualism simply won’t allow.

You can speak with the locals who speak pigeon English, but if you really want to get a feel for the soul of a place, you’ve got to be able to converse in the local lingo.

An insight into this will reap benefits in understanding customs and nuances behind local art, food, literature, history and more.

Suddenly things that seemed completely alien, will have so much more meaning!

Cognitive Benefits

Reaching a sufficient level of proficiency in a language can add real strings to your bow when it comes to career prospects.

The opportunity to go and live and work in another country, using those linguistic skills to their full potential.

Living in another country is an eye-opening and potentially life-changing experience and speaking another language is the best way to go about achieving it.

Even if you’d prefer to stay put or build-up to moving abroad, online work in another language is entirely possible and a great way to sharpen those linguistic talents. Because even really good linguists never stop learning.

By tutor Leonnie. Contact Us