The Benefits of Having a Growth Mindset - Telios Tutors®

The Benefits of Having a Growth Mindset

Description: In this blog article we explore the two different mindsets people have and how a growth mindset can be developed to help towards academic success.

There are two basic mindsets; a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.

Fixed Mindset

Those with a fixed mindset…

  • Believe that ability and intelligence stay the same.
  • Believe if they fail at something, they will never be good at it.
  • Display negative thinking and laziness.

Growth Mindset

Those with a growth mindset…

  • Believe that intelligence and talents can be developed over time, with education and practice.
  • See failure as a temporary but important part of the learning process.
  • Have greater effort, higher academic scores, and fewer mental and behavioural problems.

Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset

Know the science

Teach them that their brains are always growing and learning.

Learning new skills and subjects will rewire their brain and make them more intelligent.

Think positive

Encourage them to replace negative thoughts such as, “I am terrible at this” with positive thoughts such as, “I will get better, the more I practice.”

Focus on effort

Don’t just reward good results, equally reward the effort involved in getting those results.

Give feedback

Explaining to a child what they are doing well and what they need to work on is excellent for creating motivation.

Push yourself

In every challenge, encourage them to push past their comfort zone and choose the harder option.

It may seem scary but it will lead to greater success.

Make mistakes

Show them that failure is a valuable part of the learning process and is a temporary state which will change with hard work.

We aim to instil a growth mindset in each of our students through teaching in a way that fulfils, inspires and motivates.

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