Student of the Week Bilaal - Telios Tutors®
Student Of The Week Bilaal

Student of the Week Bilaal

Every week, we honour and show recognition to a student who has demonstrated excellence. This week, we want to acknowledge Bilaal age 7, for his amazing personal progress.

Our Student of the Week Bilaal has made leaps in his progress since his first lessons with English Tutor Sevda!

Before starting his private lessons, the social aspect of Bilaal’s school life had been alienating and distracting. Bilaal was finding it difficult to keep a positive mindset and focus on his learning goals.

Throughout his lessons with our tutor, Bilaal has shown just how much he is capable of with the right environment!

Bilaal has demonstrated hard-work, discipline with his tasks and a growing belief in his own abilities. In his English lessons with Sevda, he has applied himself to a wide range of topics such as grammar, vocabulary and decoding unfamiliar words.

This week, Bilaal has worked hard in his English lesson and has really impressed his tutor Sevda! He completed his comprehension tasks to a very high standard and is showing wonderful development in his overall reading ability.

Bilaal has shown how much he has to offer and how much he really enjoys learning; we are incredibly proud of him. Well done, Bilaal. Keep up the great work!