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Private 1 to 1 Law Tutor Adam S

Description: Adam is a law tutor who is studying for a Graduate Diploma in Law at Guildford University of Law. He achieved a First-Class Politics and International Studies degree from Warwick University, including a year abroad in Germany, where he became near-bilingual in German. Here’s a short snippet of Adam’s tutor profile.

I have been teaching from very early on, and have become passionate about it. My first paid job was in 2012 as a Drama Teaching Assistant at Showshack Dance and Theatre Company during my A-levels. This involved lesson planning, helping run the lessons and organising the end of term show.

When I got to university in 2013, I started as an Improvised Theatre Teacher in my role in Warwick Improvised Theatre Society. This is where I created a curriculum and taught it to students. I also had to teach other members of my executive team how to teach. Furthermore, I hosted a range of outreach days for children ranging from 6-17, where we ran improvised theatre workshops.

During my year abroad and my GDL year, I formed and ran improvised theatre societies on my own. In addition, I even started teaching sessions in German towards the end of my year abroad. Finally, although non-formal, I have been teaching lessons on Public Law to fellow University of Law students, due to my experience in it (from A level), my passion for it, and the knowledge I was able to supplement it with from my degree.

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