How 1 to 1 Mentoring Can Benefit Your Child - Telios Tutors®

How 1 to 1 Mentoring Can Benefit Your Child

Description: This article takes a look at the 5 main reasons how 1 to 1 mentoring can be beneficial to your child. 

Many children find classroom learning to be insufficient in helping them reach the top marks when it comes to the end of year examinations. 

Leadership and Guidance

A 1 to 1 mentor is useful in providing your child with academic and personal advice that is specific to them. For example, mentors can find problem areas in learning and implement extra support. 

Beyond this, many children often struggle with their identity throughout their teenage years – mentors can share personal experiences to help them through school and even guide them toward a specific career path. 

Creating a Roadmap to Success

Children may find it difficult to stay on top of their workload throughout the year, let alone have the motivation to create a clear game plan for revision. 

Mentors help your child by setting attainable, quarterly goals. This clear structure creates a roadmap for progression, ensuring academic success at the end of the year.

Increase Motivation

Motivation can be a difficult thing to foster, especially when it comes to education. 

Through engaging and interactive sessions, mentors can spark an excitement for learning that keeps their students motivated to succeed throughout the year. 

Cultivating Discipline 

Social media and video games are factors that can negatively influence your child’s education.

A 1 to 1 mentor can support in overcoming procrastination. This can be through creating a rewards system and positive engagement during sessions. By creating enjoyment for learning, children foster self-discipline.  

Extra Support for Students with SEN Needs

Schools sometimes have limited resources to aid children with SEN needs. These needs are also specific, varied, and require additional time that teachers cannot support. 

Certain 1 to 1 mentors are trained to specifically deal with a variety of educational needs. Whether it is children with ADHD, social anxiety or autism. This ensures that no matter your child’s capacity for education, they will be able to thrive academically.

Interested in finding your child a 1 to 1 mentor? Contact Us.