Getting the Most out of Reading a Book by Tutor Isabella - Telios Tutors®

Getting the Most out of Reading a Book by Tutor Isabella

Description: Tutor Isabella shares her advice for making the most out of reading a book. In this article, she gives some handy tips on how to maximize your reading experience.

Reading a book, in theory, simply refers to reading the words on a page. You then process the information in order to understand the text. Simple, right?

But by following these handy tips, you can begin to really enjoy the experience of reading a book. These pointers will help transform a sometimes-mundane activity into something really exciting. So, whether it’s reading for school or for pleasure, settle down and get ready to unlock the full experience of enjoying your book.

Take Your Time

There’s nothing worse than feeling you have to rush through a book, barely reading it, and just skimming through the pages, searching for a vital character name or important plot development. When reading a book, take time to really engage with the words on the page. If this means splitting up the reading into smaller, but more regular sessions, this can be a great way of digesting each chapter or section, taking time to really understand the text. As tempting as it may seem to flick through the pages, you’ll undoubtedly enjoy it more and understand it better by investing a little more time and patience into your book.


This is a top tip for getting the most from your book – before starting, why not research the author, genre, and historical context behind the book. It’s incredible how far a little background knowledge can go! Try to find out some influential events from the author’s life, so you can keep this in mind and look for any parallels from the book. Why not find out what was happening in the place/time/society in which they were writing (for example, were there any wars happening or about to happen? What about any important political movements? Even think about the fashion of the time and what was popular entertainment.) This will really aid your understanding of the book you’re reading, and help you to enjoy it more – not to mention the idea that having some fun facts really spruces up an essay and means you’ll sound like a pro!

Read Between the Lines

Whilst you’re reading, try to not only appreciate the characters, plotline, and narration of the worlds on the page, but also try to think about the hidden meanings. Chances are, an author will have put a lot of thought into their writing, and there may be some subtle themes that aren’t necessarily spelt out in the text. For example, if a character is walking through the rain, getting soaked to the skin and surrounded by thunder, it might not just mean they should have remembered their umbrella… Maybe this weather state reflects their inner emotions – do you, as a reader, know any reason why this character may be feeling low, dejected, upset or as if they are trapped in an ‘emotional thunderstorm’? (Hint: this technique of reflecting a mood in the weather is known as ‘pathetic fallacy’).

Enjoy It

This final tip is easy – enjoy what you’re reading! Sometimes it can seem difficult, especially if you have to read a particular book for school or college, and you don’t have any choice in the matter. In this instance, try to find something about the text which appeals to you (tip no. 2 of a little research can help here!) – does the protagonist share any of your values? Is the book set in a part of the world you’d like to visit? This can transform your reading experience, by picking out elements which make it an enjoyable book for you. Also, whenever possible, read outside of the curriculum. If you have the time, read as widely and as often as you can – this means you’ll have 100% free reign on which books you choose, and the more you read, the easier it’ll become to interpret other texts, as well as improving your language and communication skills.

I hope these little top-tips have been useful pointers on how to get the most from reading a book. They may seem straightforward, but they can really rejuvenate your reading experience, not to mention boost your English grades. So, take time, delve deeper into the background context, search for hidden meanings and, most importantly, enjoy!

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