Achieving your goals – 4 easy steps - Telios Tutors®

Achieving your goals – 4 easy steps

Description: Law Tutor Polly shares tips on how to achieve your goals.

It is all too common for people to give up on their goals before even starting due to a fear of failure. The greatest obstacle between achieving your goals has less to do with possessing a talent, and more to do with how you approach problems. This blog post will share some top tips that will increase your chances of fulfilling your ambitions.


Take baby steps. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu


It is vital to realise that goals require a lot of work before they are fully realised. People search for shortcuts that can be implemented overnight. In reality, these only waste time and make goals seem even more daunting.

What you want is a manageable routine to which you can make adjustments that lead to frequent steps towards your goal. This is a more sustainable model and it will set you on the path to achieving results.


Become an excellent learner. “It is better to know how to learn than to know.” – Dr Seuss

Goals take time. But if there is one thing that can speed up the process it is knowing how to learn. It may even be the most useful skill in life as it facilitates the development of all other skills.

What separates the highest achievers from the rest is not some inherited talent but an ability to learn and improve. We can look at some of the greatest athletes in the world to see this. Cristiano Ronaldo is arguably the greatest football player and what has separated him from others is his willingness to improve, even when at the very top of his game.

Learning how to learn and being constantly willing to learn can greatly accelerate your growth and progress you towards your ambitions.


Learn how to focus. “Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are.” – Bill Gates


This is one of the hardest skills to master, especially if you have a tendency to procrastinate. As with everything if you practice and train it, you can improve it.

Do not start by trying to intensely focus for hours on end but instead set yourself small achievable tasks. For example, sit down and tackle work for 10 minutes, then increase this time in 5-minute increments.

Eventually, it will become easier to focus harder and for longer, which means that you will be able to increase your rate of progress towards your goal.


Learn from your mistakes. “I’ve failed over and over again in my life… and that is why I succeed” – Michael Jordan


Unfortunately, most of us are products of an environment that has shaped us to be afraid of making mistakes and consequently we try our best to avoid mistakes at all costs. This stagnates our growth as we become overly cautious and afraid of taking risks.

Instead, we should embrace mistakes and seek to take risks. After all, numerous studies have shown that making corrections is one of the most effective ways to learn and improve.

Don’t be ashamed of mistakes, see them as opportunities for personal growth!




  • Goals require a lot of time and effort.
  • The best way to get there is to consistently take small steps in the right direction.
  • Learning how to learn will make picking up new skills easier and quicker.
  • Improving your ability to focus allows you to practice more effectively and for longer thus enabling you to take bigger steps towards your goals.
  • Mistakes are excellent learning opportunities and are only a natural part of the journey towards fulfilling an ambition.
  • Finally, be positive and have self-belief as you can achieve whatever you want if you apply yourself in the right ways!