Why is it important to be efficient? Efficiency is one of the distinctive attributes of a person that really helps us become more successful in producing results.
Employers tend to employ those that are efficient and gets things done quickly and properly. The ability to think fast and implement fast is something that will help you get ahead of the game and get the results you desire quicker.
An efficient person is the opposite of someone who tends to procrastinate, being able to avoid analysis paralysis and to take massive action fast. Application of knowledge combined with the speed of implementation is the key to efficiency.
Here are 10 ways you can implement in your life to become more efficient right now:
- Ask yourself this question: “What is the one thing I can do right now to make progress? It can be something as simple as being an active learner and making notes from a presentation delivered by your teacher. Making progress can be as simple as just building momentum; it can simply be just getting started. For example, if you find yourself being a perfectionist and over analysing the smallest detail and this is hindering your progress, just dedicate a reasonable amount of time to make a decision. This is a common theme amongst young students who struggle to get started when it comes to story writing, for example. Repeat this process of building momentum to make progress and constantly ask yourself the same question and take immediate action. Efficiency is all about creating energy in the direction of where you want to go.
- Make a decision with conviction. When we are indecisive, we are stagnant and not making progress. To avoid analysis paralysis, devote a reasonable amount of time for decision making, and then after this time, make a decision and stick to it fully unless you need to adapt to any changes along the way. If you need to meet deadlines, instead of planning your work against deadlines, try the ‘reverse-engineering’ process. That is, to be clear on when your deadline is, and dividing the time you have and tasks accordingly and working out what are the daily or weekly steps that need to be implemented in order to achieve this successfully.
- Create leverage / a system. To be efficient, you must not be overwhelmed and work smarter, not necessarily harder. For example, in the case of revision, it may not be best practice to leave it to the final week of examinations. Rather. creating a revision programme as you go from the moment the course commenced is what will allow you to leverage your time better. You may want to ask yourself something like – what can I do to speed up this process, or utilise my time better? Working with a private tutor who specialises in the field you are working on is undoubtedly one of the fastest ways to leverage others’ skills to your advantage.
- Avoid multitasking. Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is not always the most efficient way to work because it can dilute your concentration and quality and therefore although it may appear that you are working effectively, you may not be working efficiently. It is also not necessarily a long-term solution. Having said that, if you can take care of a few tasks without diluting your focus too much, and find yourself making better use of time, multitasking can be something that can be done short term.
- Work against the clock. When we work leisurely without being timed, we have a tendency to waste a lot of time. By allocating a certain amount of time to yourself to fulfil a certain task, you are able to hold yourself accountable and work in a more timely manner. Be strict with your timings and try not to deviate too much from what you set out to do. For example, if you give yourself an hour to get something done, really set an intention to fully complete it on time. By doing so, you will develop self-belief in being able to fulfil tasks better in the future
- Avoid distractions. Your environment plays a huge role in how efficient you are in your work. If your environment is disruptive, will be difficult to focus to your fullest potential. You must make certain sacrifices when you truly want to work efficiently and concentrate. It is almost impossible to work efficiently if you are being distracted by people and things like technology around you. Consciously anticipate the possible distractions that could arise and try to eliminate them as much as possible.
- Use pain and pleasure to your advantage. Ask yourself “What will it cost me if I don’t work efficiently?” and “How much more confidence and faith in myself will I develop if I am able to work more efficiently?” By addressing your pain and pleasure points, you will be able to incentivise yourself to get things done.
- Plan your work and work your plan. Having a strategy on how you intend to execute your plans will allow you to work more efficiently, as opposed to just “doing”.
- Ensure you are in a positive state. Your energy and state will contribute to how efficient you are. You are unlikely to be able to perform efficiently if you are feeling lethargic and tired. Make an intention to really be in the best state possible by making sure you are well rested and motivated to start as you mean to go on.
Struggling with efficiency and working against time effectively? Contact Us today to work with a 1 to 1 home or online tutor to help you improve this area of your education.