Education Consultancy Services
We provide a personalised consultancy service to UK and international families, and help with the following:
- Navigating the British education system
- Advice on grammar schools, independent schools and boarding school system
- Transition between schools
- School applications
- Scholarship opportunities
- School placements
- Interview preparation
- Applying to University in the UK
- Researching and liasing with schools
- Interview preparation
- Prep school placement
- Choosing options at 6th form and university
- Oxford and Cambridge University applications
Connect With an Education Consultant
Independent School System
Advice on Schools
Oxbridge Applications
International School Transitions

We create a roadmap by first defining clear long-term and quarterly goals (dependent on deadline).
After understanding your needs and desires for your child, we carefully document key dates like examinations and open days.
Our intention is to streamline the whole process in a concise and structured manner to save you time and remove the stress of figuring it all out yourself.
Speed of implementation is at the forefront of our operations so you can rest assured that every milestone is being met with a strong sense of urgency.
Every decision, from choosing which school to place your child at, to the choice of course at university, will have a profound effect on your child’s future so we consider this a very important responsibility that we are being entrusted with.
Many factors for consideration are required – from the social interactions your child is likely to have to the pastoral care they will receive at the institution.
Many parents may not realise other opportunities other than the immediate ones presented to them through recommendation from friends or what may feel right. However, it is important to have an objective overview of your options and understand the choices you have as early on as possible.
If you would like to arrange a free consultation regarding education consultancy and how we can help you and your child, please fill in the form. We look forward to helping you.