One on One Mentoring Program
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Example Topics
- How to set and achieve goals
- How to stop procrastinating
- How to speak with confidence
- How to develop emotional intelligence
We help students with
- Increasing motivation / discipline
- Overcoming Procrastination
- Social withdrawal
- Social Media addiction
- and much more
Dedicated mentors
- Proven track record of achieving excellence.
- Consistency, self-discipline, confidence
- Non-judgemental, professional and structured
- Prizes to be won for ‘Student of The Term’ award!
Aside from academic tuition, there is a deeper layer of development that is often overlooked in a child’s development in which we cater for.
We provide extra support for students with:
- Social anxiety
- Autism
- Learning difficulties
- SEN needs
- Global development delay
We have, and continue to work with students who have experienced:
- Domestic violence
- Bereavement
- Suicidal thoughts (CAMs)

When parents contact us enquiring about tuition, there is often a wider deep-rooted issue. Often times their environment does not empower them.
More common in the case of teenagers embarking on a journey of great transition, pressure of examinations, we provide specific support. Teenagers often go through self-discovery of new identity and feel misunderstood by their parents.
Mentorship is most helpful where young people wish to have a ‘role model’ almost likened to an ‘older brother’ or ‘older sister’ figure that is external to their usual family and social circle. For parents that value this, we may provide regular reports to feedback.
We have, and continue to work with students who have experienced:
- Significantly improve self-confidence and in turn participated in more activities at will.
- Improve academic grades and scores at school which opened new opportunities.
- Improve overall mood and emotional well-being
- Improve relationship with their parents as they become more self-aware and respectful.